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  1. Intro
    1. Validation
  2. Choose the right executor
    1. UiThread
    2. Lightweight
    3. Background
    4. Blocking
    5. Other executors
      1. Direct executor
      2. Sequential Executor
  3. Proper Kotlin usage
  4. Testing
    1. Using Executors in tests
    2. Policy violations in tests
    3. StandardTestDispatcher support


OS threads are a limited resource that needs to be used with care. In order to minimize the number of threads used by Firebase as a whole and to increase resource sharing Firebase Common provides a set of standard executors and coroutine dispatchers for use by all Firebase SDKs.

These executors are available as components and can be requested by product SDKs as component dependencies.


public class MyRegistrar implements ComponentRegistrar {
  public List<Component<?>> getComponents() {
    Qualified<Executor> backgroundExecutor = Qualified.qualified(Background.class, Executor.class);
    Qualified<ExecutorService> liteExecutorService = Qualified.qualified(Lightweight.class, ExecutorService.class);
    return Collections.singletonList(
        .factory(c -> new MyComponent(c.get(backgroundExecutor), c.get(liteExecutorService)))

All executors(with the exception of @UiThread) are available as the following interfaces:

  • Executor
  • ExecutorService
  • ScheduledExecutorService
  • CoroutineDispatcher

@UiThread is provided only as a plain Executor.


All SDKs have a custom linter check that detects creation of thread pools and threads, this is to ensure SDKs use the above executors instead of creating their own.

Choose the right executor

Use the following diagram to pick the right executor for the task you have at hand.

flowchart TD
    Start[Start] --> DoesBlock{Does it block?}
    DoesBlock -->|No| NeedUi{Does it need to run\n on UI thread?}
    NeedUi --> |Yes| UiExecutor[[UiThread Executor]]
    NeedUi --> |No| TakesLong{Does it take more than\n 10ms to execute?}
    TakesLong --> |No| LiteExecutor[[Lightweight Executor]]
    TakesLong --> |Yes| BgExecutor[[Background Executor]]
    DoesBlock --> |Yes| DiskIO{Does it block only\n on disk IO?}
    DiskIO --> |Yes| BgExecutor
    DiskIO --> |No| BlockExecutor[[Blocking Executor]]
    classDef start fill:#4db6ac,stroke:#4db6ac,color:#000;
    class Start start
    classDef condition fill:#f8f9fa,stroke:#bdc1c6,color:#000;
    class DoesBlock condition;
    class NeedUi condition;
    class TakesLong condition;
    class DiskIO condition;
    classDef executor fill:#1a73e8,stroke:#7baaf7,color:#fff;
    class UiExecutor executor;
    class LiteExecutor executor;
    class BgExecutor executor;
    class BlockExecutor executor;


Used to schedule tasks on application’s UI thread, internally it uses a Handler to post runnables onto the main looper.


// Java
Qualified<Executor> uiExecutor = qualified(UiThread.class, Executor.class);
// Kotlin
Qualified<CoroutineDispatcher> dispatcher = qualified(,;


Use for tasks that never block and don’t take to long to execute. Backed by a thread pool of N threads where N is the amount of parallelism available on the device(number of CPU cores)


// Java
Qualified<Executor> liteExecutor = qualified(Lightweight.class, Executor.class);
// Kotlin
Qualified<CoroutineDispatcher> dispatcher = qualified(,;


Use for tasks that may block on disk IO(use @Blocking for network IO or blocking on other threads). Backed by 4 threads.


// Java
Qualified<Executor> bgExecutor = qualified(Background.class, Executor.class);
// Kotlin
Qualified<CoroutineDispatcher> dispatcher = qualified(,;


Use for tasks that can block for arbitrary amounts of time, this includes network IO.


// Java
Qualified<Executor> blockingExecutor = qualified(Blocking.class, Executor.class);
// Kotlin
Qualified<CoroutineDispatcher> dispatcher = qualified(,;

Other executors

Direct executor

Prefer @Lightweight instead of using direct executor as it could cause dead locks and stack overflows.

For any trivial tasks that don’t need to run asynchronously



Sequential Executor

When you need an executor that runs tasks sequentially and guarantees any memory access is synchronized prefer to use a sequential executor instead of creating a newSingleThreadedExecutor().


// Pick the appropriate underlying executor using the chart above
Qualified<Executor> bgExecutor = qualified(Background.class, Executor.class);
// ...
Executor sequentialExecutor = FirebaseExecutors.newSequentialExecutor(c.get(bgExecutor));

Proper Kotlin usage

A CoroutineContext should be preferred when possible over an explicit Executor or CoroutineDispatcher. You should only use an Executor at the highest (or inversely the lowest) level of your implementations. Most classes should not be concerned with the existence of an Executor.

Keep in mind that you can combine CoroutineContext with other CoroutineScope or CoroutineContext. And that all suspend functions inherent their coroutineContext:

suspend fun createSession(): Session {
  val context = backgroundDispatcher.coroutineContext + coroutineContext
  return Session(context)

To learn more, you should give the following Kotlin wiki page a read:

Coroutine context and dispatchers


Using Executors in tests

@Lightweight and @Background executors have StrictMode enabled and throw exceptions on violations. For example trying to do Network IO on either of them will throw. With that in mind, when it comes to writing tests, prefer to use the common executors as opposed to creating your own thread pools. This will ensure that your code uses the appropriate executor and does not slow down all of Firebase by using the wrong one.

To do that, you should prefer relying on Components to inject the right executor even in tests. This will ensure your tests are always using the executor that is actually used in your SDK build. If your SDK uses Dagger, see Dependency Injection and Dagger’s testing guide.

When the above is not an option, you can use TestOnlyExecutors, but make sure you’re testing your code with the same executor that is used in production code:

dependencies {
  // ...
  // or

This gives access to


Policy violations in tests

Unit tests require Robolectric to function correctly, and this comes with a major drawback; no policy validation.

Robolectric supports StrictMode- but does not provide the backing for its policy mechanisms to fire on violations. As such, you’ll be able to do things like using TestOnlyExecutors.background() to execute blocking actions; usage that would have otherwise crashed in a real application.

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to fix this for unit tests. You can get around the issue by moving the tests to an emulator (integration tests)- but those can be more expensive than your standard unit test, so you may want to take that into consideration when planning your testing strategy.

StandardTestDispatcher support

The kotlin.coroutines.test library provides support for a number of different mechanisms in tests. Some of the more famous features include:

These features are all backed by StandardTestDispatcher, or more appropriately, the TestScope provided in a runTest block.

Unfortunately, TestOnlyExecutors does not natively bind with TestScope. Meaning, should you use TestOnlyExecutors in your tests- you won’t be able to utilize the features provided by TestScope:

fun doesStuff() = runTest {
    val scope = CoroutineScope(TestOnlyExecutors.background().asCoroutineDispatcher())
    scope.launch {
      // ... does stuff

    runCurrent() // doesn't invoke scope ??

To help fix this, we provide an extension method on TestScope called firebaseExecutors. It facilitates the binding of TestOnlyExecutors with the current TestScope.

For example, here’s how you could use this extension method in a test:

fun doesStuff() = runTest {
    val scope = CoroutineScope(firebaseExecutors.background)
    scope.launch {
      // ... does stuff
